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Children's Library of Art and Science

The Ecole Maternelle Pajol school in Paris, France is a newly renovated 1940s building by Palatre et Leclere architecture firm. The building remains true to its historic roots, but has a innovative color palette for children ages 6-8.The school is looking to expand their way of teaching through interactive learning. The library will take up the entire north wing of the building while seamlessly merging into the existing lobby. This space will promote imagination and by incorporating organic forms and mixing color with light. 
Overall Plan with Colored Areas of New Additions
Research has shown that just sticking to the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue narrows down the palette of childhood far too much. The best and happiest learning environments for children of this age include a full spectrum of hues that create a veritable rainbow explosion of joy. Children appreciate good design, subtlety, and nuance. Libraries can create children’s areas that provide a layered experience that works for youngsters of many ages and that provides multiple ways for children to learn, interact with other children or their caregivers, and achieve a sense of ­accomplishment.
Color Coded Room Legend
The goal of this design was to seamlessly integrate new elements while not overpowering the original design. Fun and youthful colors were used sparingly with white walls to make them truly stand out. The hexagonal carpet is through out the spaces, however the blue in the carpet serves as way-finding through exit routes and breaks away to gray for the main areas. 
Reading and Story Time Zone: Entry
This room allows children to fill in the blanks. The geometrical entry is not only visually stunning, but is an interactive feature that children can climb in. The space in-between the triangle nooks serve as book cases. The shelving in the lobby is an innovative  place for hanging book bags and jackets. At the center of the Reading and Story Time Zone is these vivid green revolving chairs. Children can come with books while sitting in front of the courtyard windows, with a classmate or by themselves. In-between the columns are four more chairs where an instructor can stand in the middle, telling a story. 
Digital Learning Zone
This room engages all the senses and provides layered experiences for kids. There is colorful bookshelves along the north wall.  Upholstered nooks along the sides for comfortable seating and throw pillows on the floor allow children to lay while reading. Children will also be able to lay on the floor while the teacher show case the wonders of the world through the LED Screen.  Whether its exploring under the sea or touring the galaxy the possibilities are endless. 
Art and Science Zone
This room promotes hands on learning with art projects and science experiments. The cabinets west all not only allow for storage, but also an area for the instructor to prepare and clean up. The square tables also have storage underneath where headphones can be hung and class materials can be placed. Many elements in this room enhance the learning experience. The light tables will captivate the minds of young learners. Combining the light with colored elements will teach children on mixing colors. The gravity wall allows children to interact with balls falling in different ways. The colorful shelving allows for fun materials display. The rotating color wheel is a color study using natural light. 
Iso-Metic of Completed Space
Children's Library of Art and Science

Children's Library of Art and Science

Children's Library of Art and Science
