Happy Halloween | Revamped
This project was originally created for University Television at Western Illinois University in 2009.  I was satisfied with the project at the time, even though it had kind of a Scooby Doo feel to it.  They say never look back, but, recently, I wondered how I would approach the project today (2017).  I thought it would be an interesting challenge to revamp the project while limiting myself to using the original source footage we shot.  I also wanted to redo the typography and give it a vintage feel, since a co-worker had done the typography and the WIU TV animation in the original version.  I did keep a stylized, “pumpkin-y” look to the text blood splatters, however, so that it wouldn’t be too gruesome for any kids who might be watching the channel.  
Note:  Yes, that is me dressed up as Death!
VFX  Breakdown
Happy Halloween
The original "Scooby Doo" version, 2009.
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween | Revamped This project was originally created for University Television at Western Illinois University in 2009.  I was satisfied Read More
