A.I. Novakovic's profile

Globewind Branding

Future through web browser

Whether you live in China who installed 145 MW of wind capacity last year, and broke every record, or you live in Belgium or Serbia who installed just few wind turbines, with our client, GlobeWind you can follow efficiency of your wind turbine on any web browser all of the time.

Be a part of the solution

Predict future

Track efficiency

Save time and money

React first in case of an emergency

Behind the scenes
Imagine the globe. What do you see? Something blue? Of course. Earth contains 71% of water. That was our first association, too. So, we started with a water drop, precisely with a half of water drop. On the other side imagine the design of early wind turbine. Combine this two ideas in one – Do you see what we saw?
Color palette
As we said we we started with a water drop, so - blue, blue, blue and blue.
Typeface research
Driven by pure geometry, we maintain consistency between the logo sign and the word mark.

Final look of logo sign

Wordmark Pattern

Investing in the future

Branding at its finest
Despite difficulties wind power is rapidly developing, everywhere where economy allows to, with growth rates ranging from 10 to 40% (per year). Total global installed capacity currently is 487 GW, with the increase of 54 GW in 2016. Our Client, GlobeWind will help you to stay on track of wind efficiency. Here are few examples of branding, so take a deep breath and don't blink.

Keeping the promise

We're available for projects:

Project: Globewind
Studio: INovakovic
Creative Director: Igor Novakovic

All works © INovakovic 2017

Globewind Branding

Globewind Branding

Whether you live in China who installed 145 MW of wind capacity last year, and broke every record, or you live in Belgium or Serbia who installed Read More
