Focus Clinics

Retained by Focus for 6 years I directed digital campaigns and implemented a rebrand that turned a humble single surgeon laser eye surgery clinic into one of the leading players within the Harley Street enclave of London.

Focus had expert surgeons, a winning combination of a great excimer and femtosecond laser for laser eye surgery treatment. They also had an enviable location, minutes away from Oxford Circus. But they were not competitive. Despite embarking on PPC campaigns and trying to drive more patients into the clinic there was a drop off in converting patients from the existing website to consultations in clinic and eventually treatment.

I needed to find out why people weren’t converting and ran several customer experience workshops with team members, existing patients and stakeholders. I conducted more research including retrospective journey mapping and this allowed us to work closely with Focus to address shortcomings of their existing website.

Empathy map - determining sentiment around the Focus brand.

I wanted to find out how patients were treated from the time they researched surgery, called the clinic and eventually booked in for treatment. I ran adinsight (now ResponseTap) monitoring of calls and examined data (time taken to answer the phone, time on phone) as well as sentiment (how were the people addressed, were their questions answered, how was the call left), through to the waiting area, scanning process and I also examined every stage in a customer's initial contact with the clinic.

From my research I found that users wanted more detailed information. They saw arriving at the decision to have laser eye surgery as a 'journey'. As a result we redesigned the Focus website concentrating on reading ease, the patient journey and clarity of content. The bounce rate dropped from around 65% to at one point an industry leading 12%.

Wireframe for Focus website
'Start Here' (the patient journey) was the way we were able to engage people on a much improved level.
I designed prototypes in Adobe Fireworks before any code was written for the site.
Laura Whitmore - Shot by myself for Focus Clinics

/ Photography

I managed all the original photography for the clinic as well as social media content.

Focus Clinics

Focus Clinics

Digital / marketing strategy and brand reputation management for laser eye surgery clinic
