The Big Bang
Bubbles, planets and colourful things.
My original idea was to design some kind of abstract, psychedelic, 70's space piece. Initially, as can be seen from the sketch below, this included a strange fish-like creature, but as the idea developed, the creature changed form slightly. I ended up using this design to enter a t-shirt designing competition, this t-shirt can be seen below the final design.
This rough pencil and biro sketch shows the main features of the design, though they did change a little as I developed it in Photoshop. 
I decided to not follow the design of my sketch completely. The space fish developed into a ball with eyes and a mouth, akin to a Space Hopper. I also added a few bubbles, stylised "planets" and a central eye. 
Final Design. I added a few more planets, including an Earth as a tear from the eye. I found that the image evoked a kind of artistic representation of the Big Bang, which is what I decided to name the piece. 
I altered this design for use on a t-shirt, which I entered in a competition to win Muse tickets. Unfortunately, I didn't win, I still ended up going to the concert though! 
The Big Bang

The Big Bang

Bubbles, planets and colourful things.
