James Wood's profile

Video Game Titles Project

3D Walrus Advance

This probably is my laziest illustration, I believe it was the last one I made and I just wanted to be done with the project so I just quickly threw something together last minute.  If I could redo this one I would add more detail to the background, a bit more detail and shading on the walrus, and change the shadow color on the title itself.
Atomic Sailboat Football

This one was difficult for me to make, my main problems were the boat and the sail on it, getting the angles and shading right was torture and I ended up hating this one for it.  The football itself was lazily made last and I could have done a lot more with it.  If I could redo this one the boat and sail would be completely redone with better shading, the football would have more detail added, and the light silhouette of the boat would be visible.  I may have even added some fish or coral.
Dance Dance Puppy Siege

When I finished this one I was happy with it but now that I look back this one is just hideous, the bland basic shapes and the odd colors and weird text just makes me despise this piece.  The only redeemable quality is the creative dance dance with one D.  If I could redo this one it would be completely redone from the ground up, I just really don't like this one anymore.
Exquisite Elevator City

This was the first illustration I made, I still kinda like how it came out and wouldn't change too much.  Other than adding more detail to the buildings and sky and changing the font of the text I am happy with this one.

Side Story: When I finished this piece I happened to look over at the student next to me and noticed they had completely copied my work so when I made the other illustrations I made sure to turn my screen away from their view so they couldn't copy any of my other work.
Fruity Blade Dynasty

This is and two other illustrations are the only ones I thought that came out very well, I wouldn't change much with this one.  I may change the width of the blade and the hilt, perhaps add more to the background and the clouds, and add more shading and detail to the rocks at the bottom.
Glowing Lawnmower Fandango

I thought this one came out good, it's very simplistic yet kinda detailed, I don't know I have a love hate relationship with this particular illustration.  I guess the only things I would change is the gradient on the rims of the lawnmower and the font / color of the title.
Peaceful Croquet: Episode 1

I am not a big fan of this one, this is one of the last illustrations I made and I was getting pretty lazy. If I remade this one it would be from the ground up, a complete remake of the whole thing with more attention to detail.
Remote Spelunking Arena

This is (in my opinion) my best piece out of the whole project, it is also took the second longest amount of time to make.  If I changed anything would add more detail to the background and put shading on the rocks and spikes, make the yellow in the "Now with controller support" sign less intense so the white of the controller pops a little more.
World Princess Gladiator

This is the piece that took the longest to make mainly due to the pink gems of the helm and the edges near the mouth.  I really like how this one came out and I would hardly change anything if I were to redo it.  I would add shading to the elm and mouth guards, add an actual back to the helm (in the mouth guard area), change the font of the title, and change the gradient of the background.
Video Game Titles Project

Video Game Titles Project

My assignment was to create illustrations based on fake game titles, each one unique and with their own theme, assigned by UTC Maine.


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