James Wood's profile

Photoshop Prompts

The Best Thing Ever

I had fun making this illustration, though it's real simple and honestly really stupid but I like anyway.  I can't even remember what the wing dings say (probably a Undertale reference knowing me), the only real changes I would make is more detailing, maybe more text, and maybe lose the drop shadow on the title.
Hey Look What I Can Do!

I can't remember why I put Spongebob in this one but I did, I remember this one being a huge pain because of the crowd and trying to cut them from the original image.  If I could change anything I probably would redo the whole prompt and do something that actually makes some sense.
Is This Real Life?

I enjoyed making this one as well, as soon as I saw the prompt I knew exactly what I wanted to make, a Matrix themed piece.  The only thing I'd change is the Agent Smiths in the background (such low quality) and the pills cause they look a bit odd.
 The Struggle Is Real

This was both the first and laziest illustration I made for the whole project, it took me like half of a class and spent literally like no time on this one.  I had no idea what to do for this prompt so I just quickly threw together the first thing I thought of, if I could redo this one I remake it entirely and actually put some effort into it.
 There's No Way That This Will Happen Again

This (in my opinion) is the best piece I made in the whole project, so what sparked the idea was the font I used, I was messing around with fonts to see what would work with the prompt then I got to this one.  The student sitting next to me said it looked like the title for a western and that's when I got the idea what to do.  I believe the only thing I would change is add some shadowing on the cliff.
We Don't Need No Stinkin Vegetables

This was the last illustration I made for the project, I don't think it came out too badly and am actually kinda happy with the end results.  I don't think I would really change anything except perhaps the text or the background.
Photoshop Prompts

Photoshop Prompts

My assignment was to create illustrations based on prompts I was given each with their own twist and theme, Assigned at UTC Maine.


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