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Edgy Fashion Project

Fashion Project 4A
The purpose of this project in my Intermediate Photography class was to explore concepts and ideas in edgy high fashion photography. I utilized the concepts of attitude, posing, make-up and clothing to produce this edgy fashion image. I created the bathroom scene in the studio in order to be able to control the lighting.
Original Image 4A
This was the original unedited image. The "walls" were constructed using 4 X 8 sheets of Melamine paneling. The floor is an old white foldable table and the toilet is a white bucket. Graffiti was added but was later removed with cloning. Extras were added to suggest realism. 
Work in Progress 4A
Cloning and healing were used to edit the image, specifically the walls and floor. The graffiti was removed as was the green bathroom cleaner bottle by her foot. Camera Raw and Photoshop Levels and Curves were also used in editing.
Fashion Project 4B
This second image for Fashion Project explored the concept of magazine cover photography. My idea was to produce an image for Mother Earth News. Unlike edgy fashion, make-up and posing are more traditional. My concept was Mother Nature's love for the Earth.
Original Image 4B
This is the original unedited image.
Work in Progress 4B
This work in progress shows how beauty retouching was used on facial features, and the liquify filter was used to smooth the stomach area of clothing. Camera Raw and Photoshop Levels and Curves were also used. 
Edgy Fashion Project

Edgy Fashion Project
