Miguel Pagcaliwagan's profile

Intro to Digital Film - Unit 2

Intro To Digital Film 
Unit 2
Activity 1 - Foley art - Purse Thief
    Footage is not mine, but all of the sounds are and are recorded in my house. We had to stop recording multiple times while we were outside because my neighbor was using a hammer. It took us one day to record most of our sounds, and for me to put everything in place. I also synced and added a few more sounds during the other days.
Cue List:
Water (waves)                                                   Stirring Water in a bucket

Wind                                              Spinning around my earphone outside                                                                               Blowing in to the mic

Hair                                                                                                 Hair
Putting hands on lap                                                  Putting hands on lap
Talking phone from purse,                Taking something from a pile of things
Opening purse                                                         Opening a lunch bag  
Phone notification                                                          Phone notification
Book being place down                                            Hitting my mouse pad
Texting                                                                        Typing on a phone
Thief taking the purse                                                      Shaking a purse
Thief Running                                                                  Running in place
Purse While running                                                         Shaking a purse
Guy Running                                                                   Running in place
Guys Bag While running                                         Shaking a shoulder bag
Heels walking                                                   Tapping heels on concrete 
Taking bag back                                                              Shaking the bag
Hand hitting the rail                                             Hitting Washing Machine
Train warning                                                   Hitting Metal lamps Lightly
Hug                                                                                  Hugging a Bag
Birds                                                                    Birds, and me whistling
Activity 2 - Screenplay Analysis
     The Action lines are describing to the readers what is happening on a scene. On the first example Quentin Tarantino describes what the farmer is doing while he is waiting for the Nazi party to arrive. By making the scene go longer, Tarantino makes it suspenseful for the readers.
    The beginning of the screen play shows a peaceful home with the inhabitants doing their day to day things. Quentin Tarantino describes the owner as a bull of a man, making him look strong. This later makes Colonel Landa look more powerful because he is in control of the situation while is against the owner, Perrier LaPadite. The peace is broken when Julie, one of the owner's daughter, hears a noise coming from a distance, while she was hanging up the laundry.
    The scene ends with the Jewish girl that was hiding underneath the floorboards with her whole family, since the beginning, running away from the house. This "satisfies" the viewers by ending the suspense, and giving them a solution. Like Tarantino said "Its like the suspense is a rubber band and I'm just stretching it and stretching it and stretching it to see how far it can stretch. As long as that rubber band can stretch, the longer the scene can hold, the more suspenseful it is."
Activity 3 - Chapters Of Our Lives (Peter And Ellie)
Intro to Digital Film - Unit 2

Intro to Digital Film - Unit 2
