The goal of this project was to design a camera based on research about human factors. 

The group began by researching cameras and testing them to see what problems we encountered.  Our initial idea was to incorporate handles with a gyroscopic system to maintain stability during action shots and filming. However, our design changed when we decided to eliminate handles all-together and make the device a hands-free camera system, ideal for sports and outdoor adventure.

The Oculus system is comprised of a drone camera, wearable watch controller, and protective carrying case. The team designed this product in order to eliminate the difficulty of taking photos while doing more adventurous outdoor activities, like kayaking and rock climbing. The camera flies using thrust vector technology, which gets its energy from a series of fans within the body of the camera. There are ten separate lenses, which capture a panoramic view of the scene. 

I was responsible for market and human factors research, product concepting, sketching, and constructing the carrying case. 
The parts were 3D printed, with two outer halves and the inner components (above). Each piece was prepped for assembly and then my teammates put the model together. After assembly they painted the outside and installed the camera lenses.
Preliminary sketches of camera designs 



Creative Fields