Indoka is a Moka Pot inspired from the earthen pots made in India. Indoka word is combination of Indian and moka pot. The beauty of Indoka lies in the simplicity of its form. Indoka works similar to a traditional moka pot containing a small column, filter plate, gasket, funnel, heating vessel and pressure valve. Indoka is a blend of Indian form and a contemporary color scheme.
The dynamic form of Indian earthen pots inspired me to design Indoka. The basic idea was to design a coffee maker that reflects the Indian form and Italian aesthetics.
Indoka has been styled with flat shades of brown to give a feel of coffee. The brown gives it subtle and soothing appeal.
Enjoy your coffee with INDOKA!
Indoka Moka Pot

Indoka Moka Pot

Indoka Moka pot
