Benediction was inspired by the commissioner's fascination with the dance between humanity and divinity. There were several things that I wanted to explore in this piece; the supreme mercy and grace of divinity represented in the angel's dynamic pose, gesturing to the opening heavens and gently grasping the man's arm beckoning him to rise. Tremendous awe in the face of divinity is what lies in the human heart, a sunset of beauty and pain that words cannot touch, this was represented in the man's hands; one of which is open against the angel's body while the other is grasping at the ground. Heavy cloth weighs him down as he looks into the realm of that which cannot be known. The supreme choice is his to surrender all that he is or to remain in the comfort of the darkness.
Oil on 28" x 36" Canvas.
Commissioned, Privately Owned.


Man and Divinity clash, fear and awe take hold and a choice is revealed.
