City Hall, London, Foster + Partners
Arts Institute Bournemouth, 2006
Acrylic, styrene, PETG

Group project, 2nd year of uni.

Fosters and Partners designed the building and it opened in 2002. City Hall was given its round, tilted shape to reduce the building’s surface area and create natural shading to improve energy efficiency. (City Halls official website)

We did not get hold of the plans for this building, so we had to make our own plans, by making a 3D model of the building, based on low resolution plans from architectural journals or the internet combined with thorough on site research with a tape measurer and a camera.

My first major task on this project was to build the 3D model from the 2nd floor and up, calculating all the angles and material thicknesses we´d use on the physical model, to work out the patterns to laser cut, engrave and cnc.
London city hall

London city hall
