this one is a set of illustrations on my favorite ungulates. i like to experiment with materials when doing studies of species, trying to capture a characteristic posture or detail of coloration. also, apart from serious all-proportions-and-colors-are-lifelike illustrations i do like goofy little sketches that have a lively movement.
marker duikers study. it was a surprise for me some of these african antelopes may enjoy an occasional frog or other little meaty bite as well as fruits and leaves!
a spread from marker sketchbook with all rhino species we still have. today rhinos aren't safe outside national parks (and in some cases even the guarded territories can't prevent poaching), their numbers keep sinking.
life-drawing of cows enjoying sunshine, Goa, India
Bos taurus
bongo from Prague and okapi from London zoos
Tragelaphus eurycerus, Okapia johnstoni
breeds of goat (for a lifestyle magazine)
Capra aegagrus hircus
silly sketches of sable and saiga antelopes
(from video and from Darwin museum specimen)
Hippotragus niger, Saiga tatarica
whitetail deer fawns
Odocoileus virginianus
quick watercolor of tapir species - malayan, baird's, mountain and lowland
Tapirus indicus, Tapirus bairdii, Tapirus pinchaque, Tapirus terrestris

and a more detailed illustration of malayan tapir
Tapirus indicus
hoofed animals


hoofed animals

a set of illustrations of ungulate animals.
