The strive for perfectionism and its consequences

This thesis examines the topic of the »strive for perfectionism and its consequences and risks«. The book plays with types and expectations of perfectionism on several layers. The whole typography is set in red color that subconsciously is associated with mistakes or imperfection. The first paper of each chapter is glossy, thick and has a cutout that allows a glimpse on the illustration that complements the individual chapter. As soon as you turn the page, one gets a full view of the illustration that contains some form of distress and is printed on a much thinner, uncoated paper – again, playing with expectations and reality of perfectionism. The title on the cover, as well as on the spine are also »hidden« by thick, red marks and are initially revealed with the bastard title

Poster that is enclosed in the book which contains four major inventions respectively discoveries which came to life only by accident or were a failure in its original endevour



Thesis that examines the topic of the »desire of perfectionism and its consequences and risks«
