Digital Drawing
I did all these drawing on my iPad with Sketchbook Pro App. It's just drawing for drawing's sake. Some of them were my own photography work, the other are not. 
Superman is my role model and favourite Superhero. This particular one is designed by legendary Jim Lee from DC Comics.
I took the original photo on my trip to Cannes Film Festival 2009.  That was a nice afternoon and people were hanging out at the cafes. 
Another Superman drawing. Original designed by Jim Lee from DC Comics.
I took this original photo at the time I filmed my student project, David & Rachel back in 2009. We were filming at a restaurant on the other side of Sydney Harbour. It was 5 AM and the Sun just came up. Most of the street light are still on. What's on the right is the wharf at Circular Quay.
I took this photo from Sydney Harbour Bridge on a Sunday afternoon.
A working progress.
A working progress.
A working progress.
Digital Drawing

Digital Drawing

Those are the artwork I did during my leisure time.
