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THE LOVERS (public space performance)

"Frustrated desires are a common theme in René Magritte’s work...a barrier...prevents the intimate embrace between two lovers, transforming an act of passion into one of isolation & frustration.” -MoMa Frustrated desire is prevalent in India, now more than ever. A rapid influx of varied cultural information with
the wide-spread availability of the internet; preceded by foreign brands pouring into our markets with lifestyle ideologies, catalysed a shift towards progressive (as well as destructive) ideas & behaviours. This shift in our younger generations has incited a resurgence of the nationalistic resentments of those who feel threatened by these newly liberal attitudes regarding love, sexuality & gender in our country. The self proclaimed moral police brandish their duty of protecting "Indian culture" & declare this progress a threat to our nation's integrity, whilst propagating & violently enforcing regressive norms that hold us back. Statistics show, each year about 1000 young people are murdered for "honour killings", mostly by their own fathers, brothers, grandfathers- as they disapprove of their children choosing a partner from a different caste, religion or for simply choosing without the permission of their family. Lovers are killed, kidnapped, harassed, tortured, molested, beaten by lynch mobs when they break these rules, as warning to future transgressors. All this sexual repression has also contributed to the increased rate of sexual violence all over the country, with New Delhi topping the list. Even in the comparably modern cities, unmarried couples are looked down upon & stared at. Lewd remarks are common. Walking through the city holding hands in public is still considered bold. Hotels & inns will be reluctant, or outright refuse to provide them rooms. Being in love without the explicit purpose of assimilating into the social order, sanctified & validated by a family-approved marriage, is considered against "Indian culture", or what’s left of it. So kissing in public might get one a beating from the moral police. The objective of our performance was to demonstrate the fear & frustration gripping like a constant vice around the throats of lovers everywhere in their lives, on public transport, on the streets, in parks, even in our own houses & among our families. By the very act of denigrating love to shameful sin, we have caused it to be practiced in secrecy, making it further salacious. The result is that showing any affection is considered morally offensive, causing either titillation or deep discomfort in those who witness it.
THE LOVERS (public space performance)