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Ernest Airline Branding

A down-to-earth branding with a personal touch of hand-drawn lettering for Ernest Airline company.

ERNEST AIRLINES - Branding, Lettering, Illustration and Art direction

Ernest is a European airline offering affordable flights for all, bridging the Italian / Albanian route making more frequent travelling possible for families residing in both countries. I was approached with the brief to produce a logo that felt personal, stood out from competitors and would give a human touch to their business not limiting to the two originating destinations but to give it a feel that could work on a larger international scale as well.
After going through a variety of names and alternative versions of logotypes it felt natural settling with the name Ernest that also envisioned the experienced, well-traveled and fair personality Mr.Ernest resonating with the vision the airline wished to communicate including fair pricing, transparency and reliability in a very down-to-earth and personal way (“folklig“ in Swedish). The idea behind the organic and expressive logo’s hand lettering aims to transmit the idea as if it was Mr. Ernest signature of approval himself.

Daniel Annbjer - Branding, Lettering, Illustration and Art direction
Steve McCrumb - Ernest Icon
Vladyslav Gasianets - Airbus Photography

A big thanks goes out to David Girhammar & Co for making this project possible.
Ernest Airline Branding

Ernest Airline Branding

A down-to-earth branding with a personal touch of hand-drawn lettering for Ernest Airline company.
