Susan Robertson's profile

Program Cover for Concert Series

Program Cover for Concert Series
Knox Concert Series
Every year, the Knox Concert Series, a local arts organization, produces a printed program. The Organization presents mainstream, traditional productions, like classical ballet companies and symphony orchestras.

When I had my agency in the early 90s, I was asked several times to design the covers; sometimes, I did the whole program. I did the covers pro bono.
For this cover, I worked with a photographer to shoot a violin, then shoot images from nature, which became the backgrounds for the violin that floats above them... the whole air, water, earth, thing. We were really sensitized to this in the early 90's. It was novel then.

The mechanicals were prepared "pre-adobe", which meant the images (transparencies) were scanned separately on a drum scanner, color corrected, and composed with masked film overlays. I did the lettering by hand.

I also designed a billboard that was a take-off on this theme -- a large violin on its side, floating in the clouds. Very surrealistic.
Program Cover for Concert Series

Program Cover for Concert Series

Program cover for performing arts organization's series
