Tune in - Recreate 'Pink, Stupid girls' album cover.
I wanted to recreate the meaning of the song 'stupid girls' without literally doing what the lyrics imply, which is the obvious, plastic surgery, implants, hair dye, makeup. I decided to take a different approach to the song lyrics. 

My concept was to cover something naturally beautiful, like a flower of piece of fruit, in something which was unnatural, thick and ugly. Descriptions given below with selected image.
Red strawberry drowned in condensed milk.
White rose flower covered in spray tan.
Pomegranate drenched in thick toffee sauce.
White rose flower dunked in nail varnish.
Pineapple covered in all of the above, treacle and some extra food dye.
White rose flower covered in red food dye.
Below is my gold card print outcomes of the white rose flower with red food dye dripped over it.
My final album cover and insert -
Tune In

Tune In

Reception of Pink, Stupid girls album cover
