Emma Hughes's profile

Attention to detail

Attention to detail
A-level art work.
My final project for college explored details within old architecture; in particular decorative features found in cathedrals. I began by drawing details I found interesting, and then transferred them to the computer where I created various digital compositions by duplicating and layering the drawings. Following some experimentation with symmetrical compositions, I designed a series of doilies (ornamental mats which have fine decorative details). I then placed the doilies under cut glass to crop particular features. The effects were quite interesting; creating abstract and detailed fragmentations of the original doily designs. 

Digital compositions.
Digital Doilies.
Architectural ceiling designs using my doilies and photographs of cathedral ceilings. 
 Doilies placed under cut glass. 
 Final piece. Biro and graphite pencil drawing of doily placed under cut glass.
Attention to detail

Attention to detail

Attention to detail, unit 4 A-level art work.
