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The city of black gold

The city of black gold 
In the first half of the seventeenth century, dozens of Portuguese explorers, called bandeirantes, scoured Brazil in search of new land, Amerindian slaves and gold. An expedition went inside to Mount Itacolomi. There, Duarte Lopes approached a brook to quench thirst. He picked up a bit 'of water into his wooden bowl and drank. Then he noticed the black little stones in the bowl.
Lopes sold the stones to a friend who, assuming they were valuable, sent them to the governor of Rio de Janeiro. Examining the stones the governor saw that they were of pure gold covered by a thin layer of black iron oxide. But where was the gold? As soon as Lopes described Itacolomi, he began the search.The gold diggers rushed in a settlement near the site of the discovery, which was later called Vila Rica. It subsequently became the capital of the state of Minas Gerais and was named Ouro Preto, meaning "black gold".Today gold is no longer so plentiful. However in the region are still aquamarines, emeralds and yellow imperial topaz. Fifty years ago the art of cutting precious stones was known only to a few experts. Today, around Praça Tiradentes abound seekers of precious stones and jewelery.
The city of Ouro Preto
Seekers of imperial topaz
The disappointment of an unsuccessful day
Seeker of gold unsatisfied of the results
These photos are part of a photographic and documentary project, realized between 1996 and 2001 in Brazil. The original project has been developed in two different moments that have resulted in the creation of four documentaries shoted in the states of Amazonas, Roraima, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Parana', in addition to a portfolio that represents the synthesis. The cultural stratification which over the centuries has affected the Brazilian continent is still being seen today with anthropological and social connotations. The aim of photographic project shown here, is to catch the signs in the culture and society of visited countries.
The city of black gold

The city of black gold

A few words about Ouro Preto, the city of black gold
