Steven Holiday's profile

Incorporating Filters

 Lens-60mm | Distance - 10.5ft | F-Stop - 5.6 | FPS - 24 | Shutter - 48 | ISO - 800 | WB-2600K | ND - Clear
    For my self-portrait photo, I wanted to capture who I am and how I see myself. I am a new filmmaker that is very neat and professional. The awards in the background are from my years in the Army Reserves that represents my discipline, motivation, and accomplishments I obtained while serving . I am wearing a Full Sail University sweater that represents my education in filmmaking and pride for my school. Lastly, I placed my film projector in front of me to signify that I am a filmmaker and what is to come in the future.
 For the filters, after exploring numerous combinations, I decided to go with this look. For me, it is clean, simple, and makes me shine. I like this look because I see myself as a shining new filmmaker who is graduating this year (2017) and is ready to create compelling stories.

 Lens-85mm | Distance - 14ft | F-Stop - 5.6 | FPS - 24 | Shutter - 48 | ISO - 500 | WB-3400K | ND - Clear
    This is a portrait of my friend and mentor Rick Gore. He is a professional photographer who has done everything from fashion to landscape photography. We decided that he should hold the Super 8 camera because it represents how long he has been in the business of photography. He is a very nice man but serious when it comes to the art of photography which is why he has such an intense look in his eyes.
    Speaking of eyes, the filters I chose were meant to draw attention to the seriousness in them. Rick has an amazing eye for beautiful pictures. This is what inspired me to draw attention to his eyes while softening up his hard look.
 Lens-25mm | Distance - 22ft | F-Stop - 20 | FPS - 24 | Shutter - 48 | ISO - 500 | WB-5200K | ND - 1/4
    I am an outdoors person. Most of my ideas for all of my stories come to me when I walk outside. This is a nature trail close to where I live and I was walking while thinking about this assignment and saw how the light lit up the walkway. To bring out what my eye saw, I played around with my filters to see what would highlight the path in the way I visualized it. Then I decided to add a bit of color to the scene so everything would not seem so dull.
 Lens-45mm | Distance - 13ft | F-Stop - 20 | FPS - 24 | Shutter - 48 | ISO - 500 | WB-5000K | ND - Clear
    For my last picture, I knew I wanted to do something with water. When I saw this small waterfall, I instantly went to fantasy land in my head and visualized a world where superpowers existed. For some reason, my mind thought about the Lord of the Rings. I am not sure why my mind connected superpowers to the world from that movie but it did. 
    I thought about how the world would look if the water literally carried magical powers in it and what could that look like. After a while of trying different things, I landed on this look because it matches the feeling of magic and wonderment I want to portray.
Incorporating Filters

Incorporating Filters

This is a photography project where I had to incorporate various filters using DFX.


Creative Fields