Amy-Elizabeth Samuels's profile

The Stress Box - Success-Yes!

This was a one day brief set on the first day back in the final year of my degree. We were asked to think about what we wanted to gain out of this degree when we graduate, my answer was Success. We had to create a response based upon this, I came up with the idea of the Stress Box. 
From the very beginning of this degree I have battled with the walls put down by my mind. I came onto this degree knowing very little about graphic design, and almost had to start fresh in comparison to many students. The main wall I find is stress, from day one I have had to conquer my mind. 
I have since starting this degree found that less walls have been put down which is fantastic however, I thought why not create something to represent a way of relieving stress.
Thus, I came up with the Stress Box concept:

I started to sketch out what I wanted from my idea, for example; what ways could I relieve stress and would this work for other people. I decided that it would be a great idea if you could write down your stress/stresses on a piece of paper and then burn them into ash. Taking that physical item and destroying it can sometimes be an effective way of relieving these symptoms. 
I had a concept now I needed to decide how I was going to mass produce this idea and what it would look like. I came up with some sketches and created a 3D model in the program Blender. I wanted a square box to alleviate any uneven aspect to the item, I also needed a big hole in the top that you could poor the ash into the box. So, these were key aspects that I could incorporate into the 3D design.
When I created the physical mock up I created the type by using a laser cutter to etch into the box. When the box begins to fill and your stress elevates which in turn makes the type disappear.  Below you can see the Stress Box Mock up I physically created - using facilities available. You can also see the 3D mock up.
Stress Box (Empty)
Stress Box (Semi-Full)
3D mock up 
The Stress Box - Success-Yes!

The Stress Box - Success-Yes!

Product concept created from success.
