SACRED is an NGO located in the Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. They cater to people with disabilities in rural areas. While they might be quite a small organization, they are quite effective and have made significant strides towards improving the lives of people with disabilities in these rural areas.
This work falls under the MGNREGA scheme (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarentee Act) where people in rural areas are guarenteed a certain number of days worth of work and pay. Andhra Pradesh proved to the government that people with physical and intellectual impairments ought to be provided the same jobs by showing them that they in fact did an even better job than able-bodied people.

In this picture, the workers are building some kind of water-reserve.
Malobanna, Chennappa and Mastanvalli
(MGNREGA employees)
 Ramalingam (affectionately called Lingayya) - He runs a sheep rearing unit.

(During a Self-Help Group meeting or a "Sangham")
Lakshman and family

(Immediately after the Sangham)
During the Sangham
Silk weaver's handloom.
The owner of the above handloom. He writes his name on the floor as he is hearing and speech impaired.
Venu. He practices his daily exercises for his cerebral palsy using a simple home-constructed balance contraption made of wooden sticks. He wears braces provided by SACRED.
Venu's sister.
Basha (visually impaired). He runs a vegetable shop in his village (and quite a popular one!)
At a school in the district that offers inclusive education.
A little girl at the RDT (Rural Development Trust) Campus.


A photo documentation of the work of NGO SACRED.
