Queen of Peace
for Florence Welch
Digital Collage w/ Mixed Media on Coard board with wood frame under glass - 12/8/16

750 x 1125 px @ 72dpi
2325 x 1925 pix @300dpi 
Printed - 7" x 9"
Framed - 15.8 x 17.7 inches
Weight - 6lbs
When we met, It was love at first sight. We would hug and lock eyes and time would stand still for a moment. But the world needed you more then I did. Before I knew it, you were gone. This is all I have now.
Invest in increasing awareness about creative and visual arts through the digital medium worldwide.
Queen Of Peace

Queen Of Peace

By Dave Kers - Digital Collage - 750 x 1125 px @72dpi - 2016 // For Florence Welch, to increase awareness about creative & visual arts through th Read More
