Stylizované perokresby o formátu A5: 
(kolorovaná perokresba inspirovaná anglickou říkankou ), (kolorovaná perokresba), geometrické perokresby inspirované návrhy mých broží a několik perokreseb zhotovených barevnými tušemi.

Small pen-and-ink drawings are A5 size: 
pen-and-ink drawing based on the poem , coloured with watercolour pencils, A5
 - pen-and-ink drawing, coloured with brushpens and watercolour pencils.
The Birds - geometrical minimalistic pen-and-ink drawings inspired by the scetches for my handmade brooches.
the Solitary Mouse
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy...
the Birds - Magpie, Swallow, Black Swan and Flock
Square, Line, Bird I-III (2012)
the Colourful Birds - Woodpecker, Peacock, Swan Song, Seagull and Stork
the Owlet (A5, 2012)
the Aquarium (origami inspiration, A5, 2012)
the Grey Heron (2013)
the Composition with Magpie (2013)
the Aquarium - blue (origami inspiration, 2013)
Fox, Lines, Planes (2013)
Pen - and - ink

Pen - and - ink

small pen-and-ink drawings
