Marleia Alfaro's profile

Success Photo Series

Success Photo Series
Photography Series of 4 Photos
My theme for this project is to visually capture the emotions of motivation and achievement in various situations. To accomplish this idea, my composition involves the extreme contrast in hierarchy of elevation and brightness of colors. Each photograph captures the perseverance in a new, creative, and accurate way, in each situation, however broad or refined.

I am extremely proud of the final composition of this photo series project. Each photoshoot brought a fun experience to manipulate the environment and characters as a photographer. The situations are simple, but the visuals are extreme perceptions that relate accurately to how one feels and expresses the emotion that coincides.
Graduation involves a physical release, does it not? The numerous tests and struggle for grades exhibits accomplishment at its finest.

(Lorina Alfaro)
Observe the nerd who is starting to make it in life. While the rest of his world is static, he is moving forward, and rising to the top.

(Ben Dulay)
Love is a great feat. Getting the chance to express love is a struggle in itself. This photograph captures the strength to work for someone greater than yourself.

(Adam McCarthy, and Cindy Tran)
When you reach that peak in success, there's a sense of security that nothing will stop you.  And sometimes all you tend to look back and see how far you've come.

(Marleia Alfaro)
Success Photo Series

Success Photo Series

This photo series exhibits four creative perceptions of one theme: to capture an extreme, symbolic visual of a positive emotional event of accomp Read More


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