PIXELATION was a project done by the collaborative effort of students of Furniture Design, Interior Architecture and Interactive Media Design departments of The Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague, as part of the ANTS project. The brief was to build a 6 square meter sized hut on the courtyard of the Institute, out of waste materials gathered from across the city. 

Every hut served a unique purpose in the 'village' of 14 huts, constructed by different groups of students. Ours was a functional statement on the dominance of surveillance exercised by the power-elite. Literally, a blurred out physical space where anyone could take shelter.   
Watch the 'making-of' video below.
Trials of folding Origami Tessellations in small scale
Translating tessellations onto waterproof paper in full-scale
Attached origami modules 
Making a frame structure out of waste wood sourced from the University workshop
Projection of images of censored spaces on Google Maps onto the hut to raise awareness about citizens' rights to self-censorship, right to privacy and Government surveillance.


A hut made of waste materials sourced from across the city of Hague


Creative Fields