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Iced Sahlab / سحلب ساقع

ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري هي المشكلة ليست بجديدة، ولكننا نميل إلى إهمالها و عدم اتخاذ أي موقف. من احد آثارها إرتفاع ملحوظ في مستوى سطح البحر. وقد إختفت بعض شواطئ الإسكندرية بالفعل في السنوات الأخيرة. عاجلا أم آجلا، سوف تحدث كارثة ولا ينبغي علينا انتظارها من اجل إتخاذ موقف إيجابي، قد نعجز عن علاج مشكلة الإحتباس الحراري كليًا ولكننا يمكن ان نتجنب الكثير من الكوارث إذا إتخذنا الإجراءات السليمة

Global warming is a problem that we are all aware of. However, we tend to neglect it, neglect it's effects and amount of damage that it will cause. One of the main problems that occur due to global warming is a notable rise in sea level. The Mediterranean will rise 30 cm to 1 meter this century. Only 0.25-meter rise in sea level is capable of putting 60% of Alexandria’s population below sea level. This problem has already showed its effects in Alexandria as some of its beaches have disappeared in the past years. Sooner or later, a disaster will happen and we shouldn’t wait until it does in order to make an action as it is going to be too late. Global warming might not be a problem that can be prevented but we can certainly avoid more serious damage if we act now.
 On Ground Research 
We wanted to test people’s imagination and see their reactions once they’re told that Egypt is going to drown one day. We asked them how would they adapt to the new situation in terms of clothes, energy, transportation, work, etc. We didn’t get much responses as a lot of people said that they don’t know what would they do.
Some of the responses we got were:
Wear swimsuits all the time, Transfer using boats, have shops on boats, use solar energy, swim to near places, tie yourself to something strong when you’re asleep, eat fish and seaweeds.
We started creating images and videos that shows a preview of how the city would look like as a result of the rise in sea level.
First Approach 
Based on the estimates, we wanted to focus mainly on Alexandria since it was the most city in danger. The idea was create a short future-fictional video showing the way Alexandria would look in 60 years. The video would include digital composited footage of streets and people doing their jobs and basically adapting to the new situation.
Final Approach
We wanted everyone to refer to this video not only the people of Alexandria. The aim is to create a short video that transfers the idea of global warming and in the same time the fact that we don’t take any action towards a solution. 
We chose to show two people sitting in a cafe doing nothing but playing everyday, since this is in fact the current situation. 
The idea to over exaggerate time by showing that days pass by and global warming increases until the city drowns around them, while they’re still playing in the cafe.
Iced Sahlab / سحلب ساقع


Iced Sahlab / سحلب ساقع

A short video that transfers the idea of global warming and in the same time the fact that we don’t take any action towards a solution.
