Hurricane Matthew....
After seeing the devastation and havoc  Hurricane Matthew had done in Haiti and other countries, it traveled past the caribbean and into my backyard in Florida. I had the rare opportunity to come face to face with this unforgiving force of nature. As an artistic photographer, I deeply felt the need to capture the power of this storm and share the story of Hurricane Matthew in a way that would help others. I usually sell my landscape work in galleries, but I have decided to make this once in a lifetime image available to anyone willing to donate to those in need. All of funds from this Go fund me account will be going to the American National Red Cross foundation, which actively helps the people who need it most.

This Image of a lifetime is the Calm before the storm as Hurricane Matthew moves boldly into the Florida coastline...
There is a lot of deep meaning in this image for me, and I know it will be the one that makes a difference in countless lives with your help! Even if you can't donate, please share this post and make a change for those who are desperately in need.

Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew

Creating to make a difference! This shoot is to raise funds for the victims of hurricane Matthew read more about the story.
