Fun fact: I think Helvetica is supremely overrated and used as a "good font" crutch by too many. I certainly felt this way in college, where teachers preached its gospel and I was forced to use it in assignments where I felt stifled by its requirement. In the fall of 2016 during my Marketing Graphic Design class we were randomly assigned a font to create a poster of for a fictional typography show. It seemed cruel fate when this is what I got stuck with. But, determined to make the best of it, I strove to use it in a way that wasn't all left justified and black and white (maybe with a pop of red), instead opting to show its stripped down and neutral persona through use of a pure CMYK palette and making symbols within the typeface design elements.
Helvetica Poster


Helvetica Poster

For Advertising 125 After being assigned a font, we were instructed to create a poster that highlighted the history and characteristics of it fo Read More


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