Experimental proposal of an horizontal navigation interface
( The responsive design prototype is only supported in desktop or tablet view )

We came up with the idea of creating a horizontal navigation interface to avoid that the user gets lost in the infinite scroll, and came up with an interesting homepage proposal. The idea of the horizontal navigation is that when the user scrolls in the website instead of going up or down, he will go to the left or right screen. This way we can control exactly what content is going to be shown to the user and we can focus more in designing for each screen, instead of designing for a whole infinite scroll page. It was an exciting and challenging work and I can´t wait to keep working on the rest of the sections of the website. I also added a mobile view of the homepage so the client could appreciate how the navigation works.

As designers, it´s important that we understand our clients concerns and it´s a part of our job to find a creative way to solve their problems, even when sometimes we have to come out of our comfort zone.

Thank you very much, i hope you enjoy this!
stay tunned for updates.​​​​​​​


The client was in denial about the latest trend of infinite scroll. So we came up with the idea of creating a horizontal navigation interface to Read More
