Marco Venter's profile

Mr Finch - Packaging Design

This is packaging for the textile artist Mr. Finch. He’s based in Leeds in Yorkshire, not too far from the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, where he draws inspiration from animals, insects and fungi for his creatures. He describes his creations as “Storytelling creatures for people who are also a little lost, found and forgotten...” 

Mr. Finch sells his products Online through, and doesn’t have a physical store. This resulted in the following needs. The packaging must get shipped to the customer and arrive unharmed. The packaging must also provide a brand experience to compensate for not having an in-store experience.

The concept of my packaging comes from antique fairy-tale books. Mr. Finch collects the old and the used, specially antique fairy-tales. He recently used his antique book collection as props in an exhibition at Anthropology, in London. 
The green book is for his mushroom range and the red book is for his moth range. To prepare packaging for a new creature he simply needs to type out, with his typewriter, and paste on a small title page for the spine and a description page for the inside. Then pin down the creature and add offcuts of materials used. 
The Packaging acts as means of display and storage for your purchased product. 
Creatures used in above packaging was designed and crafted by Lee Venter, my mum ;)
Outer Packaging for safe shipping. 
Thanks for viewing.
Mr Finch - Packaging Design


Mr Finch - Packaging Design

Speciality product packaging design.
