Shane Hussain Naqvi's profile

Revenue Forecast System

RFS - Revenue Forecast System
An internal revenue forecase system for Streebo
The revenue management system is a browser based application maintaining and managing revenue and project levels. The real challenge was that the number of fields were very large and the grid view which was being used was taking a lot of space and making the user scroll horizontally as well. I came up with the new logo and a fine information architecture to present data in more visual form making it more understandable and also taking less space.

These were two designs, the first one being finalized though i liked the other one more. In both designs, the design and information architecture is making data more understandable and meaningful.

The first step was to create a logo. I started the initials of the product, the reference for most used currencies and the idea of ups and downs that come in revenue. I've tried to show the process that went behind as well.
The existing layout was a typical grid. The challenge was to manipulate and rearrange all that information, without minimizing or removing anything, yet fitting it in a less space while also making it visually appealing and more understandable for the user.

Here is an image of the layout, to show the state of things before I started.
RFS - Before
Revenue Forecast System

Revenue Forecast System

This is the design for a browser based application for revenue management.
