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Impossible Rocket: 3D Printers Thesis Project Book

Impossible Rocket: 3D PRINTERS
Thesis Project Book
For my thesis project, I created a look at the new, fictional 3D printing company, Impossible Rocket. The goal of this Project was to build an powerful and persuasive introduction to the design process and showcase the results of the well crafted campaign. 
I used this look at the brand to create informative content without sacrificing style. The minimalist design allowed the text and the imagery to speak as a unified chorus in telling the story of Impossible Rocket. 
Whitespace is often something that is sacrificed in the pursuit of more content. For that reason a great deal of attention was paid to that aspect for this publication. Pages that feature a great deal of content are followed by paged with large white space, this allows the readers eye an opportunity to rest and digest the content that is presented. 
For instance the decision was made with this layout, which immediately follows the previous spread, to terminate the text that bleeds over the margins of the previous spread. This provide the viewer with the prescribed resting point and creates unexpected visual interest for the reader.
Because the previous layout also features a great deal of content, even with the inclusion of white space. The following spreads minimal design offers the reader a respite and allows them to absorb the crucial information. A focus on this even influenced the selection of the the color for the image; minimizing its impact on the reader.
The imagery on all of these pages was carefully selected to  craft a visual story that acts as an undercurrent for the flow of information presented.
To improve the visual presentation of certain element it became necessary to allow the type of content help dictate the layout that best suited its presentation. In the case of the spreads created for both the website, seen above, and logo development to properly display the content it became necessary to create centerfolds the would allow the content of the page to carry the maximum amount of impact.
Impossible Rocket: 3D Printers Thesis Project Book

Impossible Rocket: 3D Printers Thesis Project Book

This is the thesis presentation of my branding project for my Master's Degree Program at Full Sail University in digital media management. The pr Read More


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