Jean-Paul Sartre about human being mention one of human being mode is being for itself--which is essentially the mode of being concious in affect o human being; it is aware of itself and ultimately has a relation with itself. It is this physical presence which is percieved by other. I see my self because somebody sees me. (’Hell is Other People’: Sartre and Being for Others by Paul Meakin) We made perception of ourselves based on what other’s eyes perspective. We used to believe it’s tru because we don’t have any media such as mirror to see reflect of our mind. What if, the other is nature? What kind of person are we? The other theory of human being modes is being-in iself which is exactly that, the being things or object conciousness. In this case, we can choose what kind of person we want to be, based on our asumption; from our experiences and what kind of person we are. Maybe we have to reflect again to the nature, to ourselves, is it true that we live with the nature, or we just too greedy to satisfy our desire? What kind of person are we?
Secret Garden

Secret Garden

This illustration actually made for 1001IDE MARCAPADA exhibition 2016
