A school project. 
This concept for a smartphone application was created to give people a way to privately work on and improve themselves. 

Concept created for young adults with history of abuse, self–harm, non–functional families or psychological-health problems. Some of them do not have the possibility to seek psychological help - therapist or so. The authorities sometimes provide physical reliefs, however they rarely provide mental help as well. The world today puts too much importance on the physical health and way too little on the psychological one. But in fact, everybody sustains psychological injuries even more that physical ones, injuries like failure, rejection or loneliness. They do get worse when we ignore them and they impact our lives in dramatic ways.
Therefore it is very important to teach young adults how to take care of themselves and their mental health, so they can become happy and healthy adults. In this project the team is trying to identify some of the most common unhelpful psychological habits, to understand them, and to try to change them. By battling them the users will not only heal their psychological wounds, but will build emotional resistance and their quality of life will improve.

The application is designed to help the users improve their mental health, and thus raise the quality of their lives. 

It’s main function is to give each user one task a day. Those tasks are very carefully chosen, and each and every one of them is supposed to help the user in some way or another. 
“The X-Chart” is a theory of positive reinforcement. Every time a task is completed, user will put a mark on the day in their calendar. Every time a day passes without the user doing their task, the streak will break and they have to start from the beginning. The theory says that people will not want to skip a day, because they will not want to lose the streak.
There is also a possibility for the user to change the day’s task, if they cannot or will not do it. This way they will feel more positive towards the app, since it extended the user a “favour”. However, in order to make sure this function will not be abused, each user will only have a possibility to change a task once a week.
If the user decides to change the day’s task, a different task will be presented in it’s place. This option was primarily created for rainy days, when the user is asked to go out for a walk, or for girls, who are unable to do certain physical activities (swimming) during some days of the month.
Self-help app

Self-help app

A school project - a self help application for young adults with history of abuse, self harm, et cetera.


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