Jacqueline M Byrne's profile

Jacqueline Byrne's Art

Ashes I - 25 tiny 7x7cm canvases on cotton covered board
Ashes II - 25 tiny 7x7cm canvases on cotton covered board
Ashes III - 25 tiny 7x7cm canvases on cotton covered board
Work in progress from the tree house fire
One of the farm fire sites with some of the tiny panels.
I cut out metal in the shape of my boot and drew or rather scratched the markings.  I was exploring the footfall at the fire sites. 
I was experimenting with footfall markings in print, impermanent shadowing 
Here I was mark making on metal the the business of the branches, my treehouse studio in the background.  I then printed the image on paper but I prefer the metal plate.  The mark making of the tree produces a more silhouetted depth.
Using old scrapwood from the barn, wood that had had many re-incarnations and was aged and marked I added another layer of life with Oil and shadowed it with tissue paper.  Trying to capture the colour and light on the fields the morning mist that rolls in off the sea.
Layering and mark making, pulling and pushing back, I was looking at the tree and its place within the landscape, experimenting with different techniques to achieve, movement and shadow.  
I was really pushing the colour and mark making here.  With layer upon layer of marks, imprints, shadowing.
In this sketch I was going for a more whimsical feel of the tree tops using oil, inks, pigment and graphite powder. 
Another experiment layering
Here I sculpted the tree in watermarked copper.  I wanted to capture the energy and sculptural capacity of the elements within nature.  I wrote this poem for this sculpture:  

The Sculptor
by Jacqueline M Byrne

I roam the lands of desert sands,
race the seas of a thousand tides.
They call me Samoon, Mistral, Burga ……….

By day, by night I shape this earth
Wandering, Gallivanter everywhere.
They call me Shamal, Etesians, Sirocco……….

I Rest, Rage, Gust, I Fly
Lazily wisping darkened night. 
They call me Buran, Chinook, Zonda…………..

Revivify or Vex, Earth is my playground.
Call me what you will,
I am the Sculptor.

I am…………. The Wind.

'Ashes' Currently 3 Panels on exhibition at (Mark) Hix Restaurant Academy in Dorset, UK, is an Land Art Project exploring three fire sites, their sculptural installational and ultimately transient presence within the landscape. The ash from each of these fire sites, I've imprinted, layered, and marked onto 75 tiny 7x7cm canvases divided 25 each on to three panels measuring 182 x 182cm.  In addition 25 more tiny canvases to be hung and viewed singularly, and apart from, the three Panels.  There is also an interactive Installation floor paper panel dusted with fire ash where visitor footfall will replicate the movement and transference of Ash within nature.  The photos above illustrate the inspirational journey to the Ash work: the three Ash panels, experimental sketch work, drawing, Printmaking and Sculpture. Jx
Here I accidentally took an imprint of some woodblocks I was working on. I like the way the grain of the wood became a negative. A transient moment in the studio captured.
Here we burned unusable stale hay, A captured scape.  Again this is a transient site that will be re-claimed by nature.  Life will spring from these ashes.
Jacqueline Byrne's Art

Jacqueline Byrne's Art

Ashes I - Abstracted Ash Painting, one of three panels
