Berkshire Kitsune
Taxidermy parts, plaster, concrete, oil paint, polyurethane
8" x 13" x 8"
This piece is about the frustration of not being able to extend, unfurl yourself in the space provided, being unable to embody who you are and the tipping point reaction to that (“motion” like a sculptural gestural drawing like DuChamp’s nude descending) or past/present/future Janus face emotion change from docile to ferocity as a response). There's a common medieval Japanese belief that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a fox as they were particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. But the title of this piece comes from Cockney Rhyming Slang.
Progress Images...
The initial plan was to do the outside in WED clay.
But that cracked off.
So that was mostly removed and plaster was used instead.
Sebastian helped a lot.
When the piece was shipped from Orlando to Portland, it was damaged and I had to repair it.
Berkshire Kitsune


Berkshire Kitsune

This piece is about the frustration of not being able to extend, unfurl yourself in the space provided, being unable to embody who you are and th Read More


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