Erin Hopkins's profile

Sketchbook: Head Studies

This look into my sketchbook shows the methods I use to practice facial/head construction as well as composition. To sharpen my drawing skills, I will spend 5-10 minutes each trying to construct a head and capture the features without getting too bogged down by small details.The use of light and dark as well as line brings focus to the important components as well as a sense of depth and energy. Because these studies started as a way to stay productive, each sketch is a face plucked from a frame on television or while sitting across from a friend. 
Executed on toned paper with a combination of micron and gel-pen. 
(Below): These sketches follow the same concept but were executed in charcoal (mixed with water and applied with a brush) and white ink. Because of the larger scale, these studies ranged from 10-15 minutes.
Sketchbook: Head Studies

Sketchbook: Head Studies

Quick studies of facial/head construction pulled from my sketchbook.
