TThe Skin Swaps were completed on April 8, 2016, using Photoshop. The purpose of the Skin Swap assignment was to swap the skin of one animal onto another animal that has opposite features. The two given animals were a boar and a giraffe.
With the use of the transform tool and flipping the giraffe photo horizontally, I was able to line the posterior of both animals and begin the other steps. I lowered the opacity of the giraffe layer, using the liquify tool, I was able to morph the layer of the giraffe to fit accordingly to the shape of the boar. I used the magnetic lasso tool to trace the outskirts of the boar and the eraser tool to complete touch ups on the husks, eye, and feet. 
For my Original Skin Swap I wanted to select two animals that are very different but both very beautiful. I also wanted the top layer animal to have beautiufl skin that isn't as distinct as the skin of a snake or tiger. I chose a baby penguin because they are adorable and I chose a flamingo because they have vibrant feathers. 
I decided to have the colour of the flamingo's bright pink head to layer on top of the penguins head and the majestic feathers to be the layer on top of the penguin's body. With the use of the same tools practiced with in the first skin swap I was able to create a Flaming Penguin!
Skin Swap

Skin Swap

Project created in Photoshop.


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