Our brief for this college project was to design an advertising campaign for a product or service of your choice consisting of three photographic print ads for a magazine.
The concept for this ad campagin follows showing animals as toys. The three main reasons for the need for this cause are:
-Animals are treated as a form of entertainment.
-The animal abuse is horrendous, especially the devices of torture.
-Animals are discarded when the circus goes out of business. They could be sold off, donated or killed.

And so, each ad in the series tries to show this conceptually.
Since an Inflight Magazine would be perfect for reaching the desired Target Audience, Indigo’s Hello 6E was selcted as it had fewer ads (making it easier to notice) and a wider audience reach.
PeTA Print Ads

PeTA Print Ads

Photographic magazine print ads for PeTA done as a college project.
