Tsai MengHong's profile

Democratic design Exhibition_IKEA Tainan

Theme: Democratic design
Location: Tainan Culture and Creative Park
Team: Carrie Ding, Roy shen
Democratic design Exhibition
IKEA prepare a exhibition in Tainan Culture and Creative Park from December 19, 2015 to February 23, 2016. It would introduce about IKEA Democratic Design for Tainan.
Democratic Design is contained five element- Low price, Quality, Form, Function, Sustainability; it means design for everyone and creates a better life to more people and environment.
Low price
For giving visitors a first visual impact at entrance, we put the low price message at first. Use volume display to present low price image. Talking about by different material and production technology can let the product popular.
Link with Tainan
We link the IKEA product and Tainan by eating message. Build a Tainan map and build a small city model by IKEA product. Mark some well-known stores to be closing to local living.
Flat package
Introduce about IKEA flat package to giving the product more popular. Design concept is from Model Parts Kit. By the components you can assemble furniture and build up a home.
Use bright and colorful color to present sustainability message. Communicate the green life for environment, more socially-friendly cotton planting and LED lighting for saving energy.
Form & Function
Combine form and function messages. Use the brand history method to link with the messages. Introduce the IKEA representative product and activity in different period.
Use the black product and pallet to be racking for quality message. Simple display and communication talk about why the product has more value than others.
Democratic design Exhibition_IKEA Tainan

Democratic design Exhibition_IKEA Tainan

IKEA Democratic design Exhibition in Tainan Culture and Creative Park
