Farah Shafie's profile

NO to Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation is a problem that millions of females face worldwide; and unfortunately, most of the women who face this disgusting act, live in Egypt. This procedure is mostly a social and cultural convention that is passed on from generation to generation as a means to "ensure" and "preserve" premarital virginity and marital fidelity and "help" females resist their sexual urges that God forbid may lead to extramarital sexual acts!! The control of a woman's sexual desires should be in no one's hands but her own. Although people tend to justify these acts with religious beliefs; neither the Qur'an nor the Bible promote or even mention this barbaric act. And contrary to popular belief, especially in rural areas, the circumcision of females has absolutely no health benefits. It is severely painful and causes many short and long term consequences that interfere with the natural functions of the female body. Despite the enforcement of a law that banned FGM in 2008; this procedure is still taking place whether its in private hospitals or beneath the law by an unlicensed healthcare professional. 
Due to the recent events taking place in Egypt, including the 14 year old girl who lost her life to this mindless act, I decided to address this and create sort of a "campaign" towards protesting this matter as a start and then hope to become more involved and find ways to combat this problem that has been going on for way longer than it should have. It is a violation of the human rights of girls and women and needs to end now. It begins here, first by acknowledgement, then action.
Visit the following website for more information on FGM:
NO to Female Genital Mutilation

NO to Female Genital Mutilation

I decided to address the subject of FGM because it is a massive problem that affects 92% of Egyptian females today. Because of the sexual taboos Read More
