Ananda Beer
The only beer with benefits!
This was a class project for graphic production 2, we were asked to design a microbrewery beer and a few things to go with it. I am a big fan of yoga, so my inspiration came from that. Ananda means "joy, bliss, or complete happiness" in Sanskrit. After finding the word ananda I decided to add a quick drawing of one of my favorite yoga poses, the pigeon.

Ananda's Story
Thousands of years ago, in ancient India, yogis would practice for hours on end. This would leave their bodies deficient of many vitamins that it need to function correctly. To replenish the vitamins lost during practice, yogis would drink a special mix of wheat and vitamins. We have reworked that recipe and now can bring you the first ever beer that benefits your body. Ananda wheat beer replenishes the vitamins you lose during a work out, kicks your metabolism into high gear, and keeps your mind in the calm state that you had during your yoga practice.
Ananda Beer

Ananda Beer

A project to create a beer company and design several things for it.
