About Project
"Informational Business" that provides parenting advices about raising children effectively, without excessive reading of parenting literature, instead, getting constructive advices on “how to”.
Client came with something tangible in hands:
1. Email subscription through which main interaction was performed. 
2. Website had one window - to signup for parenting advice.

To Do List:
1. Built website interface, improve quality of customer interaction and design positive user experience for potential users
2. Increase number of customers/subscribers
3. Find best channels for website monetization
The survey is made to use existing audience in order to find out more about the style of interaction, quality of content. Survey is created using Google Forms tool.
Business Model Canvas
BMC is based on survey results and extensive user interviews. It was formed to identify value proposition for our stakeholders and get deeper understanding of CLEVER PARENTS potential as a startup business. Following key points were defined: Key partners, Key Activities, Value Proposition, Customer Relationships, Customer Segments, Cost Structure and Revenue. This information was discussed with key partners of the project to tease further action plan. 
After going through the process of defining target audience, forming personas, getting better understanding of personas through the empathy maps, following main groups were identify as:
Busy - parent that focused on career, interested in spending time with their children in most effective way.
Responsible - parents-geeks: red everything, look for new parenting perks, try out activities and use tons of info to make their child net generation genius:)
Anxious - parent with little to no prior experience in parenting, looking for additional resources to lean on and blame on:)

Experience Map was created in order to identify general user flow. 
Few takeaways from it:
- Don’t understand if I really need to subscription…
- Are there examples of advices before I will do subscription?
- I want only parenting life hacks, don’t want the whole thing.. 
- How useful these parenting advices, can I trust them?
- I want to share what I got..
Taking all into consideration, time came to use pen and paper to create Low Fidelity Prototyping, than test them on family and friends and than do it again till there was a time to make high fidelity prototypes so development teams can make our clients dream come true!
Based on survey results we designed set of wireframes. Article web page is displayed below.
Subscription and My Account web pages.
Work-interaction style: positive, cooperative, proactive.
During the initial interview clients were open minded, shared their passion and love
for the project, acknowledged lack of skills in business and were open to her alternative opinions.
I reached the initial goal and even more: my expectations — wireframes for the web, that would complement subscription service. After survey data was collected, I was able to create Business Canvas Model, define target audience, use empathy maps and customer journey map to get better understanding of wha user needs are, worked on several versions of prototypes, and from value proposition for reaching larger group of users.
In result, my tunnel vision was expanded regarding Clever Parent Project after countless interviews with different users and owners of this project.
Clients were very happy and inspired to move forward:) That's all it matters at the end of the day.
Clever Parents

Clever Parents

"Informational Business" that provides parenting advices about raising children effectively, without excessive reading of parenting literature, i Read More


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