Sophie Pilley's profile

UCC Coffee: Grand Café Rebrand

Inspired by where the coffee comes from, I looked at the patterns and culture of these countries:
Hondourous, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia & Sumatra
These patterns then inspired me to recreate my own for each blend, combining them together.
The blends are inspired by patterns from the different countries the coffee is from. When the pattern was placed on the packaging I wanted it to be bold and eyecatching. The bold colour with the grey leaf patterned background and text on the back provided consistency to the designs.
The leaf design within all four patterns links them all together as they are all from areas within the Amazon rainforest.    
The packaging would be placed on shelves, and when turned they create interesting patterns together. They really 
“bring the product out from the cupboard” with the bright, vibrant designs.
The coffee sleeves are one of the only touchpoints the customer has with UCC Coffee, as it is a B2B company.
Therefore it was important to get the identity, and idea of what the certifications do to help here.
The website shows how the packaging would look like on a shelf, as the target market for the website would be 
buisnesses. You click on each one, which then leads you to one of the blend pages, where you can find out more information 
about each different blend.
UCC Coffee: Grand Café Rebrand

UCC Coffee: Grand Café Rebrand

Brief: YCN Awards 2015/16 Creatively re-launch Grand Café coffee to improve engagement with current and new customers. Solution: The core idea w Read More
