Emma Holmes's profileImogen Sloss's profile

DXB302 Typography - Magazine Process

Week 1: Inspiration and Initial Concepts
Research on various magazines and other documents/images were compiled on Pinterest to form a mood board that represented the focus words, topic and demographic of our magazine.
source: https://au.pinterest.com/Emzarina/dxb302-magazine/
The minimalistic stye and consistent theme throughout this magazine are all aspects we aim to demonstrate in our magazine and this provided good inspiration for how these elements can be executed. 
Source: https://au.pinterest.com/pin/572168327641204750/ 
The minimalistic typefaces and layout in Cereal magazine provided inspiration for tyepfaces, use of white space and margins.
source: http://readcereal.com/magazine/ 
Week 2: Typeface Research and Finalising Articles
When researching typefaces, I came across "Limelight" for headings as it was bold and decorateive, however it was too structural and not delicate enough for the magazine. We discovered the typeface "Abril-Fatface", which was the perfect font for headings and the title of our magazine.
Once the topic, style and feel of the magazine was decided and we were allocated the sections of the project we would be completing, I went about finding a feature article and personal story to use. The following articles is what I used.
Week 3: Initial Designs 
As a group we created a grid that was to be used across our whole magazine, in addition to developing paragraph styles and colour schemes which we would all adhere to in order to create a cohesive magazine.
Initially I used thin dashes as a decorative lines in various parts of the article, however, to suit the delicate and minimalistic nature of the magazine, we decided to carry through the use of dotted lines thoughout the design.
Cover Brainstorming
When brainstorming what to do for the cover of "Little Ink" magazine, we all had different unique concepts which ultimately led to the final design. The following images are ideas and experimentation that I did.
Trying to find a way to link the magazine cover with the actual contents of the magazine, I was inspired to develop the hand illustration (as created by Imogen) into the style of Miso, one of the feature designers in the magazine. Ultimately, there was too much going on, however it lead to the final cover which was the hand with a tattoo in the style of Miso's tattoos illustrated on the wrist.
Week 4: Finalising Designs
The following images are the final designs for my pages of the magazine.
Personal Story
Personal Story
Feature Article
Feature Article
Feature Article
Feature Article
Week 5: Presentation and Documentation
When finalising the project, we completed the documentation and presentation for our magazine. The following images are snippets of my parts for these elements of the assigment.
DXB302 Typography - Magazine Process

DXB302 Typography - Magazine Process

DXB302 Magazine process
