One of my biggest passions in life, is proactive emotional and mental health.
In my life, I've met many friends who struggled with emotional issues that after years ultimately needed professional help. I look back and wonder why everyone waited so long to act. Can emotional and mental health be addressed proactively instead of reactively? That's the inspiration for Peaceful Mind.
Step 1: The Questionnaire
We have proactive physical health checks, so why not have proactive mental health checks? PeacefulMind is a website that would do just that. The users would take quiz, similar to a personality quiz, where their results determine their emotional profile, and specific traits...
Step 2: The Results
The user will then be taken to the results page, where they can view their profile and traits description.
Step 3: Additional Resources
But often times the website will not enough, so at the end we always provide contact information of nearby mental health clinics and professionals, as well as hotline numbers to call. If we determine a user obviously needs help, the website would highly suggest seeing a professional, and a trained operator will contact the user and determine appropriate action.  
To conclude,
PeacefulMind is still a concept project, but I think about it all the time because someday I might bring this project to life. I'm very passionate about the idea of proactive mental health. What would society look like, if everyone had a Primary Care Psychologist since age 5? It's a question I want to answer someday. 


PeacefulMind is a concept website project, from my time at General Assembly.
